


With the digital and studio art major, you'll unleash your creativity in countless media. 你会发展出创造性, 技术, 正式的, 以及关键的数字技能, 传统的, 混合的艺术形式. And with a choice of three concentrations, you'll build high-level skills in a specific medium.

Your coursework is grounded in hands-on learning experiences, 创造性的挑战, 以及丰富的同行和教师反馈. 当你学习的时候, you'll build the broad critical skills central to the liberal arts and become familiar with a wide range of artists and designers as you develop your ability to frame their works in historical and critical contexts.

Whether you intend to establish a career as a professional artist, 专攻艺术工作室, find a career on the cutting edge of technology and art with the graphic and interactive design concentration, or become an expert in the tools for photography and audiovisual production with the media arts concentration, the digital and studio art major is your first step to making your goals a reality.





The digital and studio arts department is so good at presenting students with opportunities to create work and present their work. There were multiple times over the past couple of years where students were given opportunities to design content for other on-campus organizations or events. 这是扩大我的投资组合的好方法.

玛丽亚·加西亚,26岁, visual communication for the performing arts (flexible curriculum); of Cambridge, MN



Opportunities for student research and engaged learning

体育博彩app, students participate in community engagement and research with faculty as early as their first year, something usually reserved for graduate students at other institutions. You'll design and conduct your own project based on your individual interests and goals.

The list of possible projects is as varied as our students. 例如,想象你自己:

  • 用一个小制作团队制作一部电影
  • 为当地的非营利组织和企业建立网站
  • Creating multimedia content and designs for campus publications, 体育团队, 学生组织, 市场及传讯办事处, 还有戏剧和音乐表演
  • Building immersive media content, including virtual reality, augmented reality, and 360° video
  • Sharing your creative work with the community in public screenings and exhibitions, including the annual Open Studios and Senior Show exhibitions
  • Developing an online creative portfolio to share with potential employers, 客户, 以及体育博彩项目

在你的研究过程中, you’ll collaborate with professionals in a variety of fields and academics at major research institutions; publish your research in scientific journals; and present your work at local, 区域, 以及全国性的会议.



We make sure you leave Hamline with work experience in digital media or studio arts on your resume. 机会是无限的. 你是否想要探索艺术事业, 平面设计, 用户体验, 娱乐, 或更多的, 我们有实习机会给你.

Examples of past digital media and studio arts student internships include:

  • 激活增长营销,设计实习生
  • Caponi Art Park and Learning Center, program and event intern
  • 洞穴纸业,实习生
  • 联邦储备银行平面设计实习生
  • 午夜纸张销售,印刷工作室实习生
  • Minnesota Children's Museum, maker space education intern
  • Minnesota Children's Museum, multimedia documentation intern
  • 出版社,印刷实习生
  • 推进剂介质,生产前期实习生
  • 目标、品牌产品设计及管理实习生
  • 当前的数字团队实习生
  • 巨大的娱乐,制作实习生
  • 城市艺术学院,平面设计实习生
  • 沃克艺术中心,画廊助理


Our innovative courses and one-on-one mentoring by faculty will give you the tools to succeed in a variety of jobs, 如:

  • 艺术总监
  • 画廊策展人
  • 平面设计师
  • 互动体验设计师
  • 数字内容创作者
  • 数字营销专员
  • 多媒体艺术家
  • 生产的艺术家
  • 网页设计师

You can also put your degree to work in any number of fields, including:

  • 艺术管理
  • 艺术教育 
  • 观众参与
  • 数字制造
  • 平面设计
  • 博物馆的管理
  • 摄影 
  • 声音设计
  • 视频制作
  • 网页设计


Our graduates have gone on to graduate schools across the country in the pursuit of master’s and doctoral degrees. 项目和学校的例子包括:

  • MFA in design and technology, University of Texas at Austin
  • MFA in theatre design and technology, University of Illinois
  • Post-graduate certificate in web and data coding, University of Minnesota

The art department really benefits from having a smaller classroom, 因为它有助于建立同伴反馈, 与同伴的关系, 以及与教授的关系. Art is subjective, so having these foundational relationships helps us to grow as artists.

Justice Vue '24, digital and studio art; of 圣保罗, MN


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